Clomid PCT: One of The Strongest PCT Supplements On The Market

You’ve probably stumbled upon this article searching for a way to use Clomid PCT. Now, before we show you how to use it and where to purchase it, we first have to go through a couple of formalities.

These are necessary so that you may use Clomid without making any mistakes such as taking too much or dosing in an infrequent manner. Clomid, alongside Nolvadex are one of the two most popular PCT supplements around and there is a reason for that: They work great against testosterone suppression.

Clomid is the stronger one amongst the two and in the next section, we’ll tell you all the nuts and bolts surrounding it.

What is Clomid

Initially developed to aid the activity of the gonads in the human body, Clomid has quickly become one of the most popular PCT supplements for bodybuilding when its effects were put to the test. Clomid acts as a SERM, meaning that it blocks the activity of estrogen in the body. This leads to Testosterone production, which is either lowered or completely shut down during suppression.

The name Clomid is just one of many brand names used to describe Clomiphene Citrate. You might have heard of names such as Bemot, Clomidac, and Biogen being used.

Clomid owes its powerful anti-estrogen effects to the fact that it is one of the most potent SERMs around. Even steroid users take it to battle the side effects of their gear.

Studies have confirmed that just 25mgs of Clomid a day markedly increases Testosterone production in the body.

what is clomid

Clomid PCT Dosage

Your Clomid PCT dosage will depend on what you took (SARM or steroid) and for how long you were taking the compound in question. If you were using SARMs, 50mgs a day is going to be just enough for starters. You will lower the dosage as your PCT cycle moves on.

If you were taking something stronger, like steroids, you will have to start with a higher dosage, 100mgs a day is recommended for that endeavor. Note that the more Clomid you take, the higher the chances of side effects occurring become.

You can cycle Clomid between four to six weeks, but we recommend that you do it the entire six weeks, just to be extra safe from the suppression. After the six weeks of PCT are done, don’t start a new steroid or SARM cycle but have a cooldown period of at least another eight weeks to let your body recuperate.

How To Take Clomid

You will find Clomid in pill form and as a liquid.The pills are really easy to take, just drink them with a glass of water the moment you wake up and you’ll do just fine.

With the liquid, things get a bit more complicated. You first have to measure out the proper dosage which is hard in itself, as there surely aren’t any measuring tools for small amounts such as milliliters lying around your kitchen.

Secondly, when you mix the liquid with water, there’s a huge chance of not getting everything into your system with just one shot of water, as the residue is often left behind. This means that you never really know if you took the full dosage.

Don’t despair, when the time comes to show you where to buy Clomid online, we’ll not offer you the liquid solution but pills that you can simply swallow.

That makes it easier for everybody.

Clomid dosage

Why do People Use Clomid for Bodybuilding

People use Clomid for bodybuilding for a variety of reasons.

The first and most obvious one is because of the effects it has on estrogen in the body. Estrogen, as we all should know, is a female sex hormone that boosts the production of breast tissue. When introduced in high quantities in men, it causes gyno or gynecomastia which is the enlargement of breasts in men. Gym bros around the world like to call that phenomenon ‘bitch tits’.

You might have heard the term thrown around in the gym locker rooms.

Another reason why Clomid is so useful for bodybuilders is that it stops water retention. If your diet is in check and it must be for Clomid to work, you will not have any problems with water retention.

It has to be noted that Clomid isn’t the most effective compound for the job as it doesn’t decrease the amount of estrogen in our body, but it cuts off the receptors responsible for estrogen production from interacting with one another.

The third and final reason why bodybuilders love Clomid is that it stops Testosterone suppression. As we’ve indicated at the beginning of this article, studies have shown that just 25mgs of Clomid successfully boosts Testosterone production. As we can see, Clomid for bodybuilding makes a lot of sense. Bodybuilders that use it are lauding it for all these positive effects.

Let’s take a look at how well Clomid fares when it is put up against SARMs.

Rad 140 review

Clomid for SARMs 

Some people will claim that you don’t need a PCT supplement like Clomid for SARMs. They will say that the body can do the job on its own and that it doesn’t make sense to use any outside help. This might hold water when it comes to something mild like Ostarine or Andarine, but when SARMs such as Testolone or S23 are on the line, you would be stupid not to take a PCT supplement.

These SARMs cause suppression in the body, which you have to deal with somehow and the best way to do so is with something like Clomid.

Clomid works especially well when you have stacked multiple SARMs together, this is where it really shines and where you can see the positive effects fully reveal themselves. If you’re curious as to what these are, refer to the previous section of this article.

Femara VS Clomid – Which One Is Better?

Femara and Clomid both share one trait together and that is that they have both been developed to treat infertility in women. Clinical studies have shown that both have similar effects on the body and that neither compound could be proclaimed as better than the other.

The only problem with Femara is its pronounced side effects. Clomid has some of its own, as we’ll see in the next section, but patients treated with Femara experienced a whole lot more side effects than usual.

They complained about hot flashes, insomnia, chest pain, loss of hair and the worst of all, decreased bone density, with bone health being something sacred for bodybuilders.

So if one has to choose between Femara and Clomid, Clomid is the obvious option.

Side Effects of Clomid

We’ll name some of the side effects people have experienced while using Clomid. Please note that most of these were experienced by steroid users that took 100mgs or more a day so if you only did SARMs in your cycle, you will most likely not feel any of these side effects. Count yourself blessed if you only used SARMs!

  • Changes in Metabolism: Some people complained of diarrhea, others experienced constipation. Science still doesn’t have the answer to why it affects certain people so differently, but progress is being made in this sphere.
  • Headaches and Nausea: Mostly experienced at the start of your Clomid PCT cycle as your body is still getting used to the effects of the compound. It will go away quickly so you don’t have to worry about anything.
  • Blurred Vision: This is a very rare side effect that affects less than 0,1% of Clomid users. You would have to be really unlucky to be one of the few afflicted by this. If by any chance it does happen to you, halve your Clomid dosage immediately.
  • Pain in the Breast: This has also been reported as a side effect rarely seen but we have to mention it anyways. It feels like a stinging sensation around your breast area and lasts between five to ten seconds. You probably won’t have to deal with it, but if you do, lower your Clomid dosage!

Clomid side effects

Where to Buy Clomid Online

We’ve finally reached the section you’ve been waiting for. We’ll now show you where to buy Clomid online only from the best vendor around and as an added bonus, the Clomid will be in capsule form, so you won’t have to worry about problems during your intake of the compound!

The shop we’re talking about is called SwissChems and despite their name implies that they are from Europe, they are actually a US supplier of SARMs, PCT supplements, and many other compounds.

Clomid in their shop will cost you $118.43 if you pay with your credit card and only $94.74 if you pay via Bitcoin. For that amount of money, you get 100 tabs, with each capsule being worth 25mgs of Clomid for a total of 2500mgs.

That’s a great deal as you also get free shipping if you’re ordering from the US.

With the amount of Clomid you get, you can do around two PCT cycles with it, so you don’t have to worry about ever running out of it.

To sum up, we have shown you how to use Clomid PCT and now you can safely proceed with your cycle without hassle.

Be sure to complete your PCT cycle and have fun chasing that gainz!